Sunday, May 20, 2012

Hello, again!

Sorry for the ridiculously long wait. The past few months I haven't had time to work on PT due to studies, moving countries, etc... however lately I have restarted my efforts on the website and am working every waking hour of my free time to fix it up! (Well, almost). I am moving to a new technology, and I don't have the help I had for the earlier version, so it's a lot of work, but don't lose hope! I hope to get it up... erm... "soon."

If you want some more user activity on the site (it's currently stagnant) spread the word, get people to join! Send me usernames and passwords, and I'll register anyone.

Credit to user Nausved for this picture, I hope you don't mind. (I paused it mid drawing - to see the full picture go to the website and view top rated panels of all time!) And of course credit to all the other artists who drew panels on this page (I don't know who you are as the image was generated automatically and panels were  - believe it or not - picked randomly.)


  1. OMG OMG OMG You posted and are aaaaalliiiiiive! :D

  2. Sweet action! love the background.

  3. I hope this version is up soon, and is more stable than the original. I've been missing this pretty hard.
